Sunday, September 30, 2012

May I Take Your Order?

Is it bad that I love my job at McDonald's? I'm 16 years old and I have a job at McDonald's. Everyone always warns that you don't want to work there but it's my first job and i really like it. I mean I would never want to be there permanently I would like a career when I'm grown but at least I have an income right? Yesterday, I worked an 8 hour shift and it was pretty fun. and funny. One guy came in who made an order of 20 chicken mcnuggets. While we were waiting for the food i chatted with him. It's fun to chat with the customers. Turns out the food was for his dog? His dog is on a steady diet of McDonald's! Another customer wrote a note on a napkin and gave it to me: Hey Beautiful! Here's my number: ---------- hit me up? One of my coworker's took it and I'm guessing she called him I don't know. Of course there are always the angry customers: a couple came to the register and ordered 2 caramel frappes so i typed it in, they payed, and they were given their order. like 10 minutes later they came to the counter furious because apparently they hadn't realized what a frappe was and they had actually wanted a mocha. And somehow it was my fault that they didn't know what a frappe was and they had ordered it..... it's always interesting working there. What's your favorite place you've worked? worst place you've worked? most random thing that happened?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Just Beginning

Hi! So this is my first post. I don't really know what you all want to hear from me or if anyone even reads this. But, I have a lot of thoughts that need to get out. The problem is, I don't like sharing personal things with people. So I thought maybe this way, I don't have to share them with anyone. They're just out there for the public to see and no one really knows who I am. I like it that way. So here goes:

My mom keeps telling me that I'm selfish and rude and a brat etc. All the insults she keeps piling on me and being grounded all the time when I'm honestly not quite sure what I's driving me insane! I know I must sound like just another teenager...but honestly I've been trying to figure out for years what I did that was so bad. I don't mean to be a nuisance...

The verse from my Bible study today is Matthew 25:40 which says, "When you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!" (NIV) 

To me, this verse means that like when we care for anyone even a stinky hobo and show kindness to them, we are blessing God. So I'm gonna challenge myself to show kindness to everyone I see today. Even people I can't stand. I need prayer to help me be kind to my family when I can't help but feel so hurt from them....